Sunday, November 16, 2008


Early Years
Beaconhouse follows the Montessori system at this level. There are a few exceptions: the Reggio Emilia, as well as a technology based curriculum based on Samuel Papert’s philosophy, are also followed by some schools.


Students in Pakistan follow the in-house Beaconhouse School Curriculum, modeled on the British and Scottish Curricula.

In Bangladesh students follow the in-house Beaconhouse School Curriculum for core subjects like Math, Science, and English. Language and Social Science courses are taught using local resources.

Students continue with the Beaconhouse in-house curriculum till 8th grade. After that, most students enroll in the British O and A level examinations – Beaconhouse students take these exams through the Cambridge International Examinations.

Some schools offer the Pakistani Matriculation and Intermediate Examinations and curricular, which cover grades 9 to 12.

1 comment:

Emmly John said...

Beaconhouse School System is one of the top most schooling system and the most expensive school in our country. In this school we can learn the communication method not grammar teaching method.

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